The ABC's & 123's of God by JoVah Dedicated

To Christ, Through His Love

This book as you will see has an alphabet dedication to Christ which is biblical.

It will help you see the letters are words - the numbers have meaning!!!

               A- Alpha

               B- Born Again

              C- Christ

              D- Door

              E- Eternal

              F- Finished Works

              G- God

              H- He

              I- "I AM"

              J- Jesus

              K- King

              L- Lord

              M- Messiah

              N- Nativity

              O- Omega

              P- Priest

              Q- Quiet Lamb

              R- Righteousness

              S- Salvation

              T- Territory

              U- Universal God

              V- Victorious

              W- Winner

              X- "His Cross"

              Y- The Question He asked God

              Z- Zenia of Zion